Friday, December 16, 2022

Personal Effectiveness Of The Global Leader Sundar Pichai

Executive Summary:

This report is going to analyze the traits of the personal effectiveness of the global leader Sundar Pichai. The qualities which have made him a global leader with his positive and negative traits have been analyzed in this report. Smart art also has been provided to focus on the features which have made him successful as a leader. The positive and negative qualities of his leadership have been also analyzed.

1. Introduction:

The business report generally provides a critical analysis of the business covering all the fields of that business. This business report is going to analyze the personal effectiveness of Sundar Pichai, his skills and behaviors, and behaviors that have made him an effective global leader.

2. Critical   analysis of case study review

2.1 Skills and behaviors of Sundar Pichai that makes him a global leader

Sundar Pichai is one of the global leaders of the organization. His transformational leadership style has made him one of the most famous successful leaders across the globe. His skills and behaviors have been justified by the theory of planned behavior. According to the theory of Misra, and Srivastava (2018), behavior, attitude, and motivation style of Sundar Pichai and attitude, behavior and norms, and predicting the intentions. The missions and mottos which have inspired his skills and behaviors are:

Remembering the roots:

Childhood and growing up is always an inspiration for Sundar Pichai for his upcoming days. He always remembers the contributions of his devotion, his appreciation for his parents, and his deep-rooted acknowledgment has increased his skills of leadership immensely (theguardian, 2020). 

Implementation of the strategy to empower the youth:

Google CEO Sundar Pichai also makes a focus on empowering the youths around the world. He believes that if young people focus more on creativity and they can learn more risk, they would be able to be successful. His young empowerment strategy has made him successful more than other global leaders justified by the theory of planned behavior.

Focusing on the success story of others more than own:

Sundar Pichai not only focuses on the success story of his own. The company CEO believes in the motto, that a global leader also helps and supports others to achieve their goals and dreams. As commented by Pratibha (2018), a successful global leader is able to help his team by uplifting them towards victory. He pushes his team and encourages them to participate to achieve business goals.

Humble and learning attitude:

 As the CEO of the world's famous IT Company, he knows that Google does not depend on the items on which he worked last year (, 2020).

Personal involvement in the hiring process to offer recruitment:

To maintain the best status, the famous IT Company CEO involves himself to recruit talented and creative minds in their organization (Pambuena and Bernarte, 2018). The key attraction of his leadership style is his inspiring nature and his deep-devoted commitment to this entrepreneurship business and offering a reward to those who are both creative and ready to accept the challenges.

2.2 Discussing the positive elements of Sundar Pichai skills and behaviors

As per the view of Pratibha (2018), some skills are used to sustain the leadership ability of an individual and are also capable of enhancing an effective impact on the organization to which the person is involved (theguardian, 2020).

Flexible with adaptations:

As per the opinion of Vipinkumar et al. (2017), every leader of an organization needs to be flexible enough with the continuous changes, as it tends to sustain the competitiveness of the organization along with enhancement of the leadership skills. This is one of the most effective and positive elements in the CEO of Google, as while dealing with the market demand he used to change the organizational processes, along with leading processes. This flexible approach regarding the adaption is making the leader one of the most effective factors which is reinforcing the practice of Sundar Pichai's skills and behavior. 

Effective communication:

Effective communication with his employees has helped him to reach the position of the CEO of GOOGLE. This flexible approach regarding the adaption is making the leader one of the most effective factors which is reinforcing the practice of Sundar Pichai's skills and behavior.

Involved in leading not directing:

As a company CEO, he does not want to direct others and other employees (, 2020). The company CEO directs his employees, does not lead them as a director. It has been identified that the CEO of Google is an active leader, not a director, he believes in leading people by apprehending the situation and other factors, but not in directing by giving orders. 

Mutual respect:

As good leaders, the employees maintain mutual respect for both the employers and employees. The leaders also show mutual respect and regard for each other.

Humility and profession skill:

The ability of humility within the CEO of Google Sundar Pichai has helped a lot to become a global leader (, 2020). Additionally, his interest to gain intense professional skills also helps him to learn new things which he can apply to become a global leader.

2.3 Discussing the negative elements of Sundar Pichai’s skills and behaviors:

Low emotional intelligence:

Emotional intelligence is as important as IQ. It helps to understand the real problems and motivating factors. It damages credibility and creates low levels of self-confidence. It provides poor communication skill within leaders and as a result of this he can be failed to communicate with his team (Fent et al. 2017). High EQ helps to manage the social situations and the circumstances by enhancing interactions, but low EQ does not help to understand the strategies.

Nature of constant complaining:

The Google CEO always makes constant complaints about any project. This whine nature works as an element of dissatisfaction and demonization to the employees. As opined by Bliznevsky et al. (2017), this also does not help the employees to be productive and constant complaining and grumbling nature makes a negative mind setup. This mind reduces the energy and positive attitude in the work environment.

Excessive humbleness:

In various report it has been found that Sundar Pichai is too humble. Though it is a good sign of behavior but it can create difficulties in his job. He can face various difficulties during providing of instructions to other employees. His excessive humbleness can create a tough situation in work place.

3. Conclusion:

Based on this cushion it can be satiated that the CEO of Google has sustainable interpersonal skills, and also an active leader, which has eventually enhanced the success factors of the company to a great extent. However, this critical study also sheds light on the identification of some negative elements which are lacking in EI, Time management, and many more. 

Personal Effectiveness Of The Global Leader Sundar Pichai

Executive Summary: This report is going to analyze the traits of the personal effectiveness of the global leader Sundar Pichai. The qualit...